Decision Tree campaign consists of Question-Answers and image banners (optional), in a logical sequence wherein an ad (Question-Answer or image banner) depends on users response to previous ad.
To create a Decision Tree Campaign –
Select Decision Tree under Campaigns from the left hand side panel and click on Create Decision Tree Campaign.
Enter your campaign information –
Campaign Name : Campaign name for your reference.
App/Brand : If you are an app developer and wish to run a campaign in one of your apps (with our SDK), select application in which you want to run this campaign. Whereas if you are an advertiser, select a brand for which you are creating this campaign.
Ad display time : Select the duration (in seconds) for which to display this campaign
Start & End date : DateSelect start and end dates for your campaign – Your campaign will run during those days
Campaign tags : tags pertaining to your campaign e.g., if you have a women's clothing campaign, you can specify "clothing", "shopping", "Feedback", "Rating" etc.
Impression & Click tracking URL : If you are using a 3rd party campaign tracking mechanism you can specify their impression & click tracking URLs.
Questions/Images : Enter one or more questions with relevant options and upload image banner(s) if you want to display a banner ad at the end of a decision tree
For each question you can choose between i) Text based options (rectangular buttons with option text) ii) Stars and iii) Tomatoes (Note: Stars & Tomatoes are generally used for ratings)
For the last question in the series of questions, if you wish to redirect the user to a relevant web link, you can link each or any answer option to a valid web URL (by specifying it in corresponding link/tag). This should be done if decision tree does not end with a banner ad
Along with capturing user's response if you wish to redirect the user to a relevant web link in an in-app web view, you can link each or any answer option to a valid web URL (by specifying it in corresponding link/tag). This is optional
Question Tags : tags pertaining to the current question (optional). Helps in user targeting.
Select questions from the list that you wish to include in this Decision Tree campaign.
Upload and select image banners you wish to include in this decision Tree
Build a Decision Tree : By selecting a Question and associating (linking) each option to a follow up question or an image banner.
NOTE: A node of a decision tree ends with an image banner.
Campaign Design : Select theme for your Question ads in this campaign.
NOTE: Theme allows you to set background color or background image, Font colors for Question and Answers and Brand Logo for the ad.
Campaign Budget and frequency : Specify Total Budget, Daily Budget and desired number of total impressions. This helps in controlling frequency of your campaign distribution.
Campaign Targeting - Set target audience of your campaign
Final Ad: