To create Interactive Messages

  1. Select Research units under campaigns from left hand side panel and click on Create Research units Campaign
  2. Enter campaign Information & attach message like
    • Campaign Name : Campaign name for your reference.
    • Select if you are creating a campaign as a brand under advertiser or running a house campaign on your website as a developer / publisher.
    • Website/Brand: If you are a publisher and wish to run a campaign in one of your websites, select website in which you want to run this campaign. Whereas if you are an advertiser, select a brand for which you are creating this campaign.
    • Ad display time : Select the duration (in seconds) for which to display each question in your campaign
    • Start & End date : DateSelect start and end dates for your campaign – Your campaign will run during those days
    • Content Category: Choose content category of your campaign.
    • Campaign tags : tags pertaining to your campaign e.g., if you have a women's clothing campaign, you can specify "clothing", "shopping", "Feedback", "Rating" etc.
    • Impression & Click tracking URL : If you are using a 3rd party campaign tracking mechanism you can specify their impression & click tracking URLs.

  3. Campaign Design
    • Ad type / Ad Layout : Select campaign size and layout (Ad Size and Ad layout) along with logo and theme for the Question.

      NOTE: Based on selection of your ad size, available layout options will differ

    • Campaign logo (optional) : If selected it will appear as 40 x 40 pixel on left hand side of your campaign.
    • Theme : Choose tapCLIQ’s default theme or create your own – you can specify i) Question Color, ii) Answer Color and iii) The background color or image.

  4. Enter one or more questions with relevant options
    • For each question you can choose between i) Text based options (rectangular buttons with option text).
    • Along with capturing user's response if you wish to redirect the user to a relevant web link in an in-app web view, you can link each or any answer option to a valid web URL (by specifying it in corresponding link/tag). This is optional
    • Question Tags : tags pertaining to the current question (optional). Helps in sending question to right users.
    • Select questions from the list that you wish to include in the campaign.

  5. Campaign Budget - Specify Total Budget, Daily Budget and desired number of total impressions. This helps in controlling your frequency of your campaign's distribution.

  6. Campaign Targeting – Set target audience of your campaign
    • Start and End dates : Dates between which you want to run your campaign
    • Day Parting (hours): Hours during the day you would prefer to run this campaign
    • Tags : Along with campaign tags added in step 1 you can specify various targeting tags for e.g., if you are targeting women who like tops, you can specify tags like "women", "tops" etc.
    • Device : Select the type of device on which you want to run your campaign.

      NOTE: If this campaign is for a particular app, application's device capability supersedes device targeting.

    • Platform : Choose the platform on which you wish to run your campaign ( iOS, Android, Web ). This option is only available to advertisers.
    • Apps : Choose particular apps in which to run your campaign (Available only to advertisers of enterprise ad network)
    • Ad / Engagement Units: Units available for targeting will depend on app / website you have selected in above step.
    • Segment Groups : Use our smart analytics to create and target specific group of users (e.g., Users belonging to top 5 locations OR users who have given a certain answer to certain questions OR users with specific interest tags)
    • Location : Target by Country, by Zip codes, by DMAs and by specific locations with Geo Fence.



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