What is "Share of Voice" (SOV)?
- It is distribution percentage among campaigns with similar tags (keywords) and targeting
When do I need "Share Of Voice"?
- If you have multiple campaigns running with similar tags (keywords) and targeting, you might want to control the distribution percentage among those campaigns (i.e., number of times each campaign is displayed). You can do this by creating a Share of Voice group and assigning distribution percentage to each campaign in the group (as shown below).
Another use case for SOV is when you wish to rotate between different campaigns with similar tags & targeting
Sum of distribution percentages (% weights) should be exactly 100
Example use case -
Say, User wants to distribute 2 campaigns ((1 Question-Answer and 1 Image banner campaign), with similar tags and targeting in a way that Question campaign is displayed 25% of the times and image banner is displayed 75% of the times". To do this -