
  1. Day Parting: Time of the day (Hours) at which you wish to deliver your campaign. - "Who have clicked"
  2. Targeting Moments: Moments are based on user behavior – pages / screens visited, buttons clicked, actions performed etc.With this you can target campaigns in response to user actions.
    For moment targeting you need to:
    1. Register moments under your app / website before they are available for targeting (click here to register moments (events))
    2. Set triggers in your app or website
  3. Segment:
    1. Tags: Along with campaign tags added in step 1 you can specify various targeting tags for e.g., if you are targeting women who like party wear than specify tags like "women", "partywear", "dress" etc. OR if you are targeting people who are interested in cars than tags could be "car", "automobile" etc.
    2. Segment Groups: Use our smart segmentation tool to create and target specific group of users (e.g., Users based on their preferences / opinion OR users belonging to certain zip codes / countries OR users who are active during particular time frame OR users who have performed certain actions (app / website moments). NOTE:
      First you need to create segment groups, under segments, before you can use them for targeting.
      (Click here to create segments)
  4. Geo-Location: Target users by Country, by Zip codes, by DMAs OR by specific locations with Geo-fences.
    You can target specific restaurants, shops, pubs etc. with Geo-fences as shown below:

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