How-to Register an App

  1. Select "My Properties" from left hand side panel and select "My Apps"
  2. Click on "Register App".

  3. Enter basic information pertaining to your app –
    • App Name – For your reference on the web-portal. Ideally you should use the same name as on the app store.
    • Category – Primary category under which this app falls.
    • App Logo – 80 x 80pixel logo of your app.
    • App Store URL – Link to your app on the app store (optional). You can edit it later if your app isn't yet submitted to the app store.
    • App Tags – Tags that describe your app. This helps in delivering contextual ads to your app.
    • Hide tQ bar for – No. of seconds for which the ad view should be hidden once an ad packet is displayed. This allows to you the reuse the ad space.
    • Go live – Switch it on once your app is live – for analytics.

  4. Ad Units – Individually register every ad view that you integrate in your app screens or web pages. This gives you granular control over the ads displayed in each ad view.
    • Ad Unit Name - Name for your reference on the web-portal.
    • Ad Unit Tags - Tags pertaining to the content / context of the screen / web page in which the ad unit is integrated. Note: Ad unit tags are used to serve relevant ads when tags are not passed from the app / web page.
  5. Push Notifications (iOS) - Enable your app to support push by uploading appropriate push certificate (Keystore File) with password. Refer Push Notifications document for details.


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