Replace Botby tapCLIQ

According to research, at least 30% of all products ordered via eCommerce are returned as compared to 8.89% in brick and mortar stores. One of the top reasons for returning a product is due to damage. This presents brands with an opportunity to replace the product. However, 80% of consumers surveyed stated the ease of returns is import to their purchase and brand loyalty decision.

Product Returns and Replacement present brands with another opportunity to maximize their contact with the shopper for conversion and brand loyalty. Therefore, it is essential to provide them with an intuitive and quick solution to complete the transaction.

tapCLIQ Replace Bot collects the data required for product replacement and navigates them to the pre-populated form for confirmation and submission. The bot will help your organization:

  • Conserve Product Replacement Customer Support resources
  • Build brand loyalty
  • Increase customer loyalty


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   Support Playbook

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How to setup a Bot?



Sign up and register
your app/website


Download Bot
from the BotMarket


Connect campaigns
as per support doc


Copy-paste tag
in your webpage

For more details please refer our details documents.

Let us help you setup Bots on your apps / websites - contact us.


What you can customize?



For more details please refer our details documents.

Let us help you setup Bots on your apps / websites - contact us.

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