Purchase Intent Botby tapCLIQ

Consumers today are mobile-first, research-driven and influenced by social media. According to reports, 78% of U.S. Internet users said personalized content from brands increases their purchase intent. Purchase intent is a measurement of the probability of consumer making a purcase of a product or serve. In current market were competition is fierce, brands cannot afford to passively wait for consumers to find their products. Instead, they need to create a purchase intent by strategically placing their products in front of relevant consumers at the right moment.

Our Purchase Intent Bot allows you to gather Purchase Intent data for analysis so that you can:

  • Optimize and prioritize marketing budgets and strategies accordingly
  • Review trends to make stratetic decisions
  • Enhance customer experience and conversion rates by presenting personalized content
  • Grow leads & opportunities
  • Improve brand recognition & customer loyaty


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How to setup a Bot?



Sign up and register
your app/website


Download Bot
from the BotMarket


Connect campaigns
as per support doc


Copy-paste tag
in your webpage

For more details please refer our details documents.

Let us help you setup Bots on your apps / websites - contact us.


What you can customize?



For more details please refer our details documents.

Let us help you setup Bots on your apps / websites - contact us.

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