Feedback Botby tapCLIQ

Customer Feedback is an important and essential part of any business. The customer's opinions about their experience with your brand is helpful information that you can use to adjust your business to fit their needs more accurately. However, the research shows that traditional surveys over emails have a 10% open rate, and a less than 5% completion rate in the best of cases. These methods are ineffective, unactionable and near impossible to co-relate to other data points. Often times, teams within an organization must separately collect feedback to suit their goals.This leads to a disparate customer engagement strategy and possibly frustrated customers for receiving multiple customer feedback requests.

This Feedback Bot enables you to gather actionable feedback from your customers quickly with few clicks. Get this bot and improve your:

  • Customer Engagement
  • Customer Sentiment towards your brand
  • Customer Outreach
  • Customer Experience


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   Support Playbook

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How to setup a Bot?



Sign up and register
your app/website


Download Bot
from the BotMarket


Connect campaigns
as per support doc


Copy-paste tag
in your webpage

For more details please refer our details documents.

Let us help you setup Bots on your apps / websites - contact us.


What you can customize?



For more details please refer our details documents.

Let us help you setup Bots on your apps / websites - contact us.

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